Jan lost both legs in an accident and it was his own fault

A date is shown at the start of the movie. On a black background, the date October 24, 2019, is displayed in white letters.
After that, a man is seen arguing with his girlfriend while consuming multiple glasses of alcohol. As he charges through the front door, he grabs the car keys.
Then he gets into his car, presses the gas, and veers off course. A new blackout of the screen occurs.
alteration of scenery. A completely destroyed car, as well as a man with no legs, are visible in the background, with firefighters standing in front of them.
Jan Stochmal is the individual in question. He is the subject of the "Within Seconds" movie that the municipality of Vechta has uploaded to YouTube.
The accident that Stochmal caused himself in Aschenstedt, close to Delmenhorst, is depicted. This accident forever altered his life. "That wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been driving while intoxicated.
In an interview with FOCUS online, the 23-year-old says, "I'm glad I didn't hurt anyone else. The fact that he caused the accident and his life without legs is something he does not dispute.
"None of this would have occurred if I hadn't been driving while intoxicated at the time. But Stochmal is also aware of his inability to travel back in time.
He is conscious of the present state of affairs. He states, "I want to make the most of it and stop others from making the same mistake I did.
The day Stochmal lost his legs is still very clear in his memory. He and his then-girlfriend got into a fight, as was depicted in the movie.
Everything "escalated," he claims. After drinking too much, Stochmal became furious and sat in the car.
For some relief, he wished to visit some friends. He never did, however, arrive.
He accelerated into a curve at 210 mph, skidded off the road, and crashed into a tree. According to Stochmal, "the car was torn into three pieces.".
"During the collision, my legs were severed. Stochmal screamed: "Damn crap!" Just before the impact, he yelled in Polish, his native language, "Damn crap!" Also read: Kidnapped on vacation, held captive for 140 days: "They threatened us with decapitation.".
More information than that is all the 23-year-old can recall. He is unaware of the details, such as who notified the police and fire departments.
He is unsure of precisely when he arrived at the hospital. His accident was covered by a number of media outlets.
A "shocking picture" that the emergency services had to deal with was described in the "Nonstop News" portal, for instance. Stochmals Oldtimer "wrapped the front of the vehicle around the tree, while the stern was torn off," in accordance with this statement.
The teenager hit the ground on an embankment after being thrown from the vehicle. 911 was dialed by emergency personnel.
Due to his loss of consciousness following the collision, Stochmal was unaware of his severe wounds. I didn't experience any pain in the second, he claims.
"Everything arrived much later. Stochmal was in a coma and required seven operations in addition to one resuscitation.
Both of his legs were lost in the collision. But the young man took his time learning the truth.
The doctors were concerned that I would react too violently, the patient claims. The 23-year-old is still able to recall waking up and finding his parents, aunt, uncle, former partner, and siblings standing next to him.
As the saying goes, "You can't change what happened, so take it in stride," he adds, "I was foggy, I didn't notice much.". The fact that his body was "incomplete" also happened to go unnoticed by him.
A few days later, when he attempted to stand up, he only realized this. He explains, "I had just enough strength to push the covers off.
I yelled, "Who stole my legs?" as I looked down at myself because I immediately realized what was happening. That was a joke that, at the time, neither his parents nor the medical professionals could laugh at.
They failed to grasp the reason for Stochmal's composure in the face of the novel circumstance. why he even cracked a joke.
The 23-year-old is able to adequately justify his actions. "It became obvious to me: You cannot undo what has already occurred.
Therefore, you must approach it humorously, he advises. Stochmal conveys all of this with a certain amount of pragmatism.
His legs had vanished. He was forced to reconsider as a result.
He spent a total of two months in the hospital before being discharged by the medical staff on Christmas Eve, when he was 20 years old. In the clinic, plaster casts of his stumps were created for prosthetic purposes.
Interesting statement: "Love is not sufficient on its own. "I'm an optimist," Stochmal declares. "Love is not an argument.".
You aid Stochmal in developing his independence and ability to manage his daily affairs on his own. He tried on his initial leg substitute on January 15, 2020.
After six months without any additional assistance, he was able to walk for the second time, first with a walker and then with crutches. Stochmal then focused on enhancing his gait while in rehabilitation.
He requires a wheelchair in addition to using his prostheses almost daily. As an illustration, he offers, "take a shower.
Stochmal thinks that his persona has made it easier for him to deal with the fallout from an accident and return to normal life. "I am a positive person who finds humor in everything.
In addition, I have a strong will," he adds. Stochmal was only 20 years old when he was involved in the accident.
"I understood that I still had a life to live. Throwing it out the door would be wrong and unsatisfactory.
"Compared to three years ago, he now has a different outlook on life. He declares, "I consider what I do much more carefully.".
"If I could go back to the day of my accident, I would accidentally smear my car keys on the ground. I would never allow myself to operate a vehicle while intoxicated once more.
"A graphic posted on "Statista" demonstrates how dangerous that is as well. This indicates that there were 32,453 alcohol-related traffic accidents in 2021.
165 people lost their lives, and more than 16,000 were injured. Everything can be changed by making the wrong choice Stochmal's accident changed him.
His tale served as the inspiration for a movie he made about the Vechta neighborhood. He wants to emphasize one thing above all else: the accident could have been avoided.
In a matter of seconds, one mistake can drastically alter both your own life and the lives of others. Stochmal advises against driving while intoxicated: "It's better to have a friend pick you up.".
"I am the one who understands potential outcomes the best. The undertaking is known as "Guardian Angel.".
Stochmal is currently looking for work because he is unemployed. The 23-year-old's most recent job was as a caregiver in an assisted living facility.
He is, nonetheless, confident that he will quickly land a new position. Additionally, he wants to keep working on the "Guardian Angel" project.
"I believe that this is the best course of action for me given what has happened.
Stochmals Oldtimer "wrapped the front of the vehicle around the tree, while the stern was torn off," in accordance with this statement.
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